Frequent questions
1. Where does Jávea Domicilio operate?
Jávea Domicilio currently operates and only in Jávea / Xàbia.
2. What happens if I can't find the product I'm looking for on the web?
At Jávea Domicilio we try to have the widest variety of products possible. If during your purchase you do not find the product you are looking for, simply add it to the WISH page.
How do you do it?
Are you looking for a product that does not appear? ", Enter, describe the product, the number of units you want and our team will look for it for you.
3. What happens if the product I have ordered is not available in the store?
In Jávea Domicilio we make the purchase taking into account your preferences when it happens that a product is not available in the physical store.
When you register on the web, you must indicate if you prefer that our team replace the missing products with similar ones at their discretion.
4. How is the amount of my purchase charged?
At the time of purchase, you make a deposit of € 0.10 per classic product or € 5 per products (desired). This deposit will be deducted from the total amount of your actual purchases at the time of delivery.
1 coca cola = € 0.10
1 orange = € 0.10
Total = € 0.20
The total in the store is € 1.30
€ 1.30 (final store price) - € 0.20
Total to pay € 1.10
+ Service and delivery (minimum €13)
Price schedule for services and delivery
Quantity of product(s) |
From 1 to 10 |
From 11 to 20 |
From 21 to more |
Service and delivery prices |
13,00 € |
15,00 € |
20,00 € |